About Trygghetsfonden TSL in other languages
Here you can find information in English and other languages about Trygghetsfonden TSL (the TSL Job Transition Foundation), and what we offer you. If you choose to receive our support, we can offer you a translator in your native language.
- English (Engelska)
- افغان Dari (Afghansk persiska)
- Shqiptare (Albanska)
- العربية (Arabiska)
- Bosanski (Bosniska)
- Ελληνικά (Grekiska)
- 中國人 (Kinesiska)
- Hrvatski (Kroatiska)
- Polski (Polska)
- Монгол (Mongoliska)
- فارسی (Persiska)
- Pусский (Ryska)
- Română (Rumänska)
- Србин (Serbiska)
- Soomaali (Somaliska)
- Español (Spanska)
- ไทย (Thailändska)
- ነብሪ (Tigrinska, Eritrea)
- Türkçe (Turkiska)
- Tieng Viet (Vietnamesiska)
- Contact us
About Trygghetsfonden TSL
We are a job transition organisation and insurance system based on a collective labour agreement between Svenskt Näringsliv (The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise) and LO (The Swedish Trade Union Confederation), made in 2004. Approximately 80,000 companies and 2,000,000 blue-collar workers are connected to us.
As a blue-collar worker, if your contract is terminated due to shortage of work or illness, or after a fixed-term employment contract has expired, Trygghetsfonden TSL can help you get a new job, start your own business, or start studying. This is called job transition support. The support is included in the collective agreement that applies at your workplace and is free of charge for you.
If you have an active, on-going employment, Trygghetsfonden TSL can help you develop your skills to strengthen your future position in the labour market. The support includes professional career and study guidance as well as opportunities for financial support if you want to attend training and education. This is called skills development support.
More information in English
Economic support Avgångsbidrag (AGB)
Avgångsbidrag (AGB) is an insurance that can provide you with severance pay as compensation if you have reached the age of 40 and if you are made redundant due to work shortage. You can also receive the compensation if you are given notice of termination due to illness or if you have completed a period of temporary employment.
Read more about avgångsbidrag (AGB).
Apply for compensation
You must apply for AGB from Afa Försäkring, a Swedish insurance company, within two years following the termination of your employment. You can also receive the severance pay if you have found a new job, you do not have to be unemployed to apply for the compensation.
Information in other languages
Below is information in additional languages. The first link under each language provides information about our transition support and the second link about our skills development support.
افغان Dari (Afghansk persiska)
Shqiptare (Albanska)
Udhëzim karriere dhe studimi si dhe mbështetje ekonomike gjatë shkollimit
العربية (Arabiska)
Bosanski (Bosniska)
Karijerno i obrazovno usmjeravanje i finansijska podrška za vrijeme obrazovanja
Ελληνικά (Grekiska)
Hrvatski (Kroatiska)
Karijerno i obrazovno vodstvo, te financijska potpora tijekom izobrazbe
Polski (Polska)
Монгол (Mongoliska)
Сурах хугацаанд ажил ба мэргэжлийн чиг баримжаа авах болон санхүүгийн дэмжлэг авах
Pусский (Ryska)
Профориентация, консультация по вопросам обучения и финансовая
поддержка в период обучения
Română (Rumänska)
Ajutor pentru un nou loc de muncă
Îndrumare în carieră și studii și sprijin financiar în timpul studiilor
Soomaali (Somaliska)
Caawinaadda shaqada cusub lagu helo
Mihnadda- iyo hagida waddada waxbarashada iyo taageero-dhaqaaleedka
xilliga tababarka
Español (Spanska)
ነብሪ (Tigrinska, Eritrea)
Türkçe (Turkiska)
Eğitim sırasında kariyer ve eğitim rehberliği ile finansal destek
Tieng Viet (Vietnamesiska)
Hướng dẫn nghề nghiệp và học tập, hỗ trợ tài chính trong quá trình đào tạo
Contact us if you require personal assistance
Trygghetsfonden TSL
Box 190 81
104 32 Stockholm
Tfn 010-480 91 00